If I have learned anything about going back to school, it is the meaning of the word priority. Who ever said you can have it all, lied. The truth is you have to give up somethings, add things you don't want to, and figure out what is really important to you.
Housework was a huge priority for me. I ALWAYS keep my house neat, clean and kept. Well guess what, when you have 2 toddlers, 2 older kids, and throw homework into the mess, things change. It came down to, do homework and study, or clean the house spotless. Reluctantly I had to let the house go a little. Things get messy now and stays that way until I can get to it. . So now hit and miss the house is clean. I started thinking about it. What will a clean house give me verses an education. Clean won't pay the bills, and there is no degree for excellent house maid.
Another area had to be prioritized too. Me, what do I want out of my free time. Well to be honest I am a facebook addict. Yes it is true, I want the biggest best farm on farmville, lol . Guess what, that was the next thing that had to be almost cut out of my free time. I found that I don't need fictitious crops to keep me sane. I need me time. Now I take more quiet time for myself. I do things that help me relax and don't require much effort. Since I am always busy with something, and have all kinds of tasks to complete, farming crops were more of a chore. Goodness knows I don't need anymore chores. It is much better to take a long hot bubble bath, or go out to dinner with friends. Those things refresh me and allow me to have more energy to tackle the tough stuff.
Priority, the biggest best word that should be part of everyone's vocabulary, especially if you have mounds of things to accomplish.
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