My pre-clinical experience will soon be starting and I will finally get to be in a classroom. I have to admit I am nervous, excited, scared and happy all at the same time! I was fortunate enough to be able to do my PCE in the school I had hoped. My two youngest children attended school there and many of the same teachers are still there. In fact one of the teachers I will be working with is a teacher who encouraged me 7 years ago to go to school for teaching. Back then I never thought it would be possible. What a difference a few years make :).
Now that I am starting PCE the countdown to fall demonstrative teaching begins. The countdown of tasks (assignments) starts too! At this time I officially have 41 to complete before summer's end. I'm hoping to complete them as soon as possible. I have come to realize that something always seems to arise and I want to be prepared just in case :). In addition to the task I have another Praxis and two more tests to take. I can see that this time is shaping up to be a busy one.
Where did you complete your PCE?