Follow me on my journey to earning a teaching degree at WGU Indiana. I'm not your typical young student! I am beginning my journey at the age of 42, with 4 children and working hard to achieve my dream. I began my quest for education at WGU on October 1st, 2010.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Tears, smiles and laughter!

Wow, I'm still in awe when I think about it but I did it! The picture you see above is my diploma! On February 18, 2014 I officially graduated from WGU Indiana and earned my bachelors degree! I can tell you when I received my diploma it was a day filled with tears, giant smiles and laughter.

Since I received my diploma in the mail it was a bit different then receiving my diploma at an official commencement ceremony. (In September I will take the walk at an official ceremony, but I will share more information about that in another blog post.) I will never forget when I walked to the mailbox and seen an over-sized letter with my name on it! I immediately ran to the house and ironically enough I couldn't bring myself to open it right away. I had to take a minute, breath and gather my thoughts. When I finally peeled away the envelope and my diploma emerged I immediately began to cry. The tears were a result of so many different emotions. I was relieved that it was finally finished, I was thrilled that I did it and I was sad that my mother wasn't physically here with me to see.

After I was able to wipe the tears away along came the giant smiles, not only from me but from my 3 youngest children and my sister. After they all took turns looking at my diploma, they decided that some sort of little ceremony should be performed and that is when the laughter began.

Abigail stationed herself at one end of the kitchen and I still dressed in my pj's stood at the other end. (Yes I check my mail in pj's if you are wondering.) After my name was announced the crowd in the living room comprised of my sister, Daniel and Molly began to sing Pomp and Circumstance as I walked toward Miss Abigail. Miss Abigail with outstretched arms handed me my diploma and my little crowd began to cheer. I tell you that had to be one of the proudest moments of my life, pj's and all, no official ceremony can top that! After I took my diploma and waved it in the air for all to see the laughter began to ring out. It was tremendous and a day I will never forget! The giggles, laughter and the cheers of "way to go mom" will forever echo in my heart.