Follow me on my journey to earning a teaching degree at WGU Indiana. I'm not your typical young student! I am beginning my journey at the age of 42, with 4 children and working hard to achieve my dream. I began my quest for education at WGU on October 1st, 2010.

Monday, February 3, 2014

My Mentor

I wanted to take the time today to talk a little bit about my student mentor. Her name is Melissa W. and she is absolutely amazing. I don't think she exactly realizes the impact she has had on me over the last several years. Mere words can't begin to explain all that she has done, but I'm going to try and use them to convey at least a little bit of what she has meant to me throughout the years.

I have faced many challenges during my time at WGU Indiana. Just some of them entailed extremely painful health issues, surgeries, caring for a loved one, dealing with deaths and some more personal issues, but through it all I always knew that there was one thing that was constant, my mentor. I knew that no matter what was going on in my life, there would be a phone call during the week from someone who was going ask me how I was doing, did I need anything, offer me words of encouragement and listen to what I had to say. That was monumental for me. You see, I didn't always have a lot of people who encouraged me during the rough spots on my journey. I'm not even sure people realized just how many struggles I was facing at times, but Melissa did. She knew it all and supported me every step of the way. She listened to me laugh, cry and totally go off the wall sometimes. :) I am sure there were moments where she questioned my sanity, but as kindhearted as she is, she stuck by me. I always said, that I offer my apologies if she needs therapy after dealing with me for all these years :). But in all seriousness, she kept me grounded. She never showed a sign of doubting me and that in itself was empowering. It felt good to know that someone believed in me and knew I could do it, even when I wasn't sure myself.

I still find it amazing that she could make me feel as if I was the only student she mentored. That says a lot about her and the specialized attention she gives to each and every student she mentors. She listens, she cares, she offers advice and encouragement. What more could anyone want from a mentor. She even sends little sayings and words of encouragement through email during the week and yes I did read everyone of them! I even shared a few on facebook :), which I might add always got a lot of likes :).

In conclusion, I just wanted to share publicly all that she has done for me and to personally thank her for all she has done. I want her to know that a part of my success is owed to her and her kindness. Thank you Melissa W., in words that my kids would use, "you rock".