Follow me on my journey to earning a teaching degree at WGU Indiana. I'm not your typical young student! I am beginning my journey at the age of 42, with 4 children and working hard to achieve my dream. I began my quest for education at WGU on October 1st, 2010.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Where does the time go?

Where does the time go? When I started this blog I had every intention of keeping it continually updated and share all my experiences during my journey through school. Unfortunately life, school and everything else hindered my great blogging intentions. I have hit a few of the highlights and thoughts I've had during the last couple of years. Yes, amazingly it has been a couple of years since I started WGU Indiana. But I don't think I can ever put into words what going WGU Indiana has meant to me and taught me. I have struggled, worked harder than I ever thought possible and accomplished things I never believed I could ever accomplish. I have learned so many things and the things that I learned that I most treasure, are the things that I learned about myself. 

I have learned that I am stronger than I ever thought. I have learned to turn struggle into a challenge. I have learned to never give up and to keep striving and pursuing your dreams. I have learned that I can change my life and my circumstances. It might seem that I am being a bit dramatic about what earning a degree can do for a person, but for me it is dramatic. It literally has been a life changing experience. The best part is that this is just the beginning. I will earn my degree and I will use that degree to change my life, and even more, hopefully I will change the lives of others. 

My best advice for those who think they are too old to go to school, or think that they could never do it, is to think twice. I believe we are all stronger than we think. We are all capable of doing things we never thought possible. The catch is you have to take the first step. You have to accept the challenge knowing that if you put forth your best efforts you will never fail. It all goes back to the old adage, "If there is a will, there is a way." Trust me on this one, if I can do it, so can you!